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Meme Marketing: How To Go Viral (Easy & Effective)

Meme Marketing: How To Go Viral (Easy & Effective)

This post is sponsored by Adobe Express.

Welcome to the world of meme marketing.

You’ve seen them. Those funny images, videos, or texts that spread rapidly online. They’re called memes.

But did you know that memes can be a powerful marketing tool?

That’s right. Memes can help you connect with your audience in a fun and engaging way. They can humanize your brand, make complex ideas more relatable, and even drive traffic to your website.

But how do you create memes that resonate with your audience? How do you incorporate them into your marketing strategy? And how do you stay on top of the latest meme trends?

Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of meme marketing. We’ll explore what it is, why it works, and how you can leverage it to promote your brand.

We’ll provide you with practical tips on creating viral memes, developing a meme marketing strategy, and keeping up with trending memes.

Whether you’re a startup founder, a freelance writer, or a marketing manager, this guide is for you.

So, are you ready to take your marketing game to the next level? Let’s get started.

Understanding Meme Marketing

Before we dive into the how-to’s, let’s first understand what meme marketing is.

Meme marketing is a form of content marketing that uses memes to promote a brand or product. It’s a strategy that leverages the power of humor, relatability, and virality to engage with audiences and spread brand messages.

But why should you care about meme marketing?

What is Meme Marketing?

Meme marketing is more than just slapping a funny image on your social media post. It’s about creating content that resonates with your audience, reflects your brand personality, and encourages sharing.

When done right, meme marketing can help you reach a wider audience, increase brand awareness, and even drive conversions. It’s a cost-effective way to create buzz around your brand and engage with your audience in a fun and relatable way.

But to truly harness the power of meme marketing, you need to understand why memes are so popular in the first place.

The Psychology Behind Memes’ Popularity

Memes are popular because they’re entertaining, relatable, and easy to share. They tap into our desire for social connection and our love for humor.

But there’s more to it.

Memes also work because they’re a form of cultural shorthand. They convey complex ideas and emotions in a simple, digestible format. This makes them a powerful tool for communication, especially in the fast-paced world of social media.

So, if you can create memes that resonate with your audience, you can tap into this cultural shorthand to promote your brand.

Meme Marketing in the Digital Age

In the digital age, meme marketing is more relevant than ever.

With the rise of social media, memes have become a ubiquitous part of our online culture. They’re shared, liked, and commented on by millions of people every day.

This makes them a powerful tool for brands looking to connect with their audience in a more authentic and engaging way.

So, if you’re not already using memes in your marketing, now is the time to start.

The Evolution of Memes

From their modest origins, memes have evolved quite a bit. What started as simple images or videos shared for laughs has grown into a powerful form of communication and marketing. But how did memes evolve into the marketing goldmine they are today?

The Early Days: Inside Jokes of the Internet

In the early 2000s, memes were mostly inside jokes among small online communities. Think of “LOLcats” or “Trollface” – they were fun, quirky, and made to be shared. Memes spread quickly, fueled by the rise of social media platforms like Facebook and Reddit. What was once niche humor became part of everyday conversations.

From Humor to Viral Content

As more people got online, memes began to evolve. They became viral phenomena, thanks to their easy-to-understand humor and shareability. This was the first step in turning memes into marketing tools. Brands started to see potential in memes’ ability to grab attention and spread quickly, sparking the idea that memes could do more than just entertain.

Memes Meet Marketing

When brands realized that memes had the power to connect with audiences on a deep, relatable level, meme marketing was born. Companies started to use popular memes to engage customers, humanize their brands, and ride the wave of viral trends. It wasn’t long before brands began creating their own memes to showcase products in a fun and memorable way.

Modern Memes: The Language of the Internet

Today, memes are everywhere. They’ve become a universal language for internet culture, used to express everything from emotions to opinions. This evolution has transformed them into a valuable tool for marketers who want to connect with audiences on a personal level. With the right meme, brands can go viral, gain attention, and even build communities around their content.

Memes may have started as small snippets of entertainment, but they’ve grown into a powerful communication tool that’s shaping how brands interact with their audience in the digital age.

Types of Memes in Marketing

Memes have become a powerhouse in the world of digital marketing, connecting brands with audiences in a fun and relatable way. But not all memes are created equal – each type has its own flavor and approach. Let’s explore some popular types of memes used in marketing, so you can find the right fit for your brand.

1. Parodies

Parodies are humorous takes on existing content. In meme marketing, brands often take a familiar image, video, or phrase and give it a twist to reflect their message. This type of meme plays on recognition, and when done right, it creates instant engagement.

For example, a famous scene from a movie might be re-imagined with text that fits your brand’s tone or product offering. It’s a lighthearted way to poke fun at pop culture while staying relevant.

2. Intertextuality

Intertextual memes rely on references to other media or well-known content to make an impact. Brands often use these memes by referencing famous quotes, movie dialogues, or even other memes that are already trending.

This method allows your audience to feel “in on the joke,” which fosters a stronger sense of connection and shared experience. Using intertextual memes can help your marketing resonate with audiences who enjoy catching subtle nods to popular culture.

3. Viral Patterns

Some memes spread like wildfire due to their simple, easy-to-replicate formats. These viral patterns include recognizable meme formats like the “Drake Hotline Bling” reaction, where brands can swap in their own message but keep the meme structure intact.

Viral memes work because audiences are already familiar with the pattern and enjoy seeing new spins on the same concept.

For marketers, this is a goldmine, as you can ride the wave of a popular format while infusing it with your brand’s unique voice.

4. Reaction Memes

Reaction memes are those that visually express an emotional response – happiness, frustration, confusion, you name it. Brands often use reaction memes to connect with their audience on an emotional level, giving their content an approachable, human quality. Whether you’re responding to a trending topic or highlighting a common customer experience, reaction memes add a personal touch that invites users to engage with your content.

5. Relatable Memes

Relatable memes tap into everyday experiences and make people say, “That’s so me!” These memes are highly effective because they reflect common situations that your audience can immediately identify with.

For example, if you’re a food delivery service, you might create a meme about the joy of finally receiving an order after a long wait. Relatable memes are perfect for showing that your brand understands its customers’ challenges, desires, and humor.

6. Situational Memes

Situational memes arise from specific events, trends, or circumstances. Brands that keep an eye on the latest happenings can create situational memes that are both timely and relevant. These types of memes are excellent for taking advantage of real-time marketing opportunities.

By quickly reacting to a current event with a clever meme, you can show that your brand is engaged with the world and not afraid to be spontaneous.

The Power of Memes in Branding

Memes are more than just funny images. They’re a powerful tool for branding.

When used effectively, memes can help humanize your brand, align your content with your brand voice and values, and create a strong emotional connection with your audience.

But how exactly do you do that?

Humanizing Your Brand with Memes

One of the biggest advantages of memes is their ability to humanize your brand.

Memes are inherently casual and conversational. They’re a form of communication that’s native to social media, and they reflect the way people naturally talk and interact online.

By using memes, you can show your audience that there are real people behind your brand who understand their language, their humor, and their culture. This can help to establish trust and a closer relationship with your audience.

But remember, authenticity is key. Your memes should feel natural and genuine, not forced or out of touch.

Aligning Memes with Brand Voice and Values

While memes can help humanize your brand, it’s important to ensure they align with your brand voice and values.

Your brand voice is the personality and emotion that’s infused in your communication. It’s what makes your brand unique and recognizable. Your memes should reflect this voice.

For example, if your brand voice is witty and playful, your memes should be too. If your brand voice is more serious and professional, your memes should reflect that in a subtle and clever way.

Your brand values are the principles and beliefs that guide your brand. They’re what your brand stands for. Your memes should not only reflect these values, but also reinforce them.

For instance, if one of your brand values is sustainability, you could create memes that highlight this value in a fun and engaging way.

Remember, consistency is key. Your memes should feel like a natural extension of your brand, not a departure from it.

Crafting Your Meme Marketing Strategy

Creating a successful meme marketing strategy involves more than just making funny memes.

It requires a deep understanding of your audience, a knack for creating memes that resonate, and a keen sense of humor and relevance.

Let’s dive into each of these elements.

Identifying Your Audience

The initial step in any marketing strategy is to understand your target demographic.

Who are they? What do they find funny? What memes are they already sharing and engaging with?

Take time to research what interests your target audience, how they behave online, and which platforms they use most. When you truly understand your audience, you can craft memes that hit home and increase the likelihood of them being shared.

Creating Memes That Resonate

Once you understand your audience, the next step is creating memes that resonate.

This means creating memes that your audience can relate to, that reflect their experiences, and that make them feel seen and understood.

Remember, the most successful memes are those that strike a chord with people.

Incorporating Humor and Relevance

Humor is a key element of memes, but it’s not the only one.

Relevance is just as important. Your memes should not only be funny, but also relevant to your audience and to the current cultural context.

This means staying on top of trends, understanding internet culture, and being able to quickly adapt and respond to new developments.

Make Sure Your Memes Match Your Brand

Not every meme will be the right fit for your brand. The ones you choose to create should, at the very least, have some relevance to what your business stands for. Your memes should check off one or more of these boxes:

  • Reference pop culture that your audience will recognize and appreciate.
  • Tie into events or news that matter to your industry.
  • Poke fun at your competition or even your own company (just be careful not to overdo it).

If you share memes that aren’t connected to your brand, you might get some attention, but it won’t necessarily help grow your brand or drive meaningful results.

Just like good jokes, memes thrive on timing. While there are a few evergreen memes out there, the real magic happens when you tap into what’s currently trending. Stay on top of the latest news, internet trends, and viral moments, and find a fun, creative way to tie your brand into them.

First, make it a habit to regularly check popular meme sites and social media platforms. Sites like Reddit, Instagram, and Twitter can be goldmines for the latest memes.

Second, follow popular meme pages and influencers in your industry. They can often provide a curated selection of relevant memes.

Finally, use tools like Google Trends or social media analytics to track what memes are gaining traction. This can help you identify trends before they peak.

That said, meme trends come and go quickly. Trying to jump on every single one isn’t always a good idea – you could end up missing the moment and seeming out of touch.

Engage with Users Who Create Memes About Your Brand

Sometimes, your audience will do the meme-making for you! If someone creates a meme that aligns with your brand and it’s getting attention, that’s a win for you. User-generated memes are like free marketing gold.

If you decide to share these memes, always give credit to the original creator. It’s not just good manners – it shows your community that you value their contributions, which might encourage others to join in and create content for your brand too.

Just remember, quality matters. Be picky about the memes you choose to share.

Be Creative and Stand Out

Staying relevant is important, but so is being unique. Don’t just copy what’s already out there – add your own twist to make your brand memorable. A fresh, original meme is much more likely to be shared and help your brand stand out in a crowded space.

Test, Learn, and Improve

Meme marketing is all about trying new things and constantly getting better. Experiment with different meme formats, styles, and messages to see what connects with your audience. Pay attention to how people engage with your memes and use their feedback to tweak your approach. Over time, you’ll get a clear idea of what works best for your brand.

How Can You Use AI to Create Memes?

By now, after reading about the endless benefits of using memes in marketing and branding, you’re probably thinking about creating memes yourself. But hold on a second – while meme marketing is powerful, it’s not always as simple as it seems.

Creating the perfect meme can be tricky, especially if graphic design isn’t your strong suit or if time is tight. That’s where AI tools can make your life a lot easier.

How Can AI Help You Create the Perfect Meme?

  • Instant Inspiration: Struggling with meme ideas? Just give an AI tool a keyword related to your brand or campaign, and you’ll get a bunch of creative, meme-worthy ideas in no time. No more creative blocks – just fresh, shareable content!
  • Effortless Pairing: Instead of scrolling endlessly for the perfect meme template, AI can quickly analyze your text and match it with the ideal image. It’s like having a digital comedian matching punchlines with the best setups.
  • Caption Crafting Made Simple: If coming up with the right caption is slowing you down, AI’s got you covered. It’ll suggest witty captions that fit your audience and flow with your chosen template. You can take full credit – AI won’t mind!
  • Stay on Trend: AI can track what’s trending by analyzing social media, news, and online communities. This means your memes will stay relevant and resonate with your audience at the perfect time.

Top 6 AI Meme Generators

  • Simplified AI Meme Generator: This tool is a breeze to use. Just type in your topic, click “Generate,” and get a flood of funny meme options instantly. It even learns your brand’s style over time, offering meme ideas that fit your humor. Talk about a perfect match!
  • Kapwing Meme Generator: Kapwing stays up-to-date with trending formats and pop culture. You can upload your own images or pick from their large library, and the AI will help craft captions. Plus, its easy-to-use editing tools let you fine-tune your meme to perfection.
  • Adobe Express Meme Generator: Want more creative control? Adobe Express is your go-to for building original memes that truly capture your brand’s voice. With tons of templates for inspiration, you can easily add your own images and customize everything from text to design elements.
  • Looking for more than just a simple meme? lets you create meme explainer videos and even meme series. It uses deep learning to deliver eye-catching memes, offering advanced tools like text effects and overlays. You can even collaborate with your team in real-time, making meme creation a fun group activity.
  • Appy Pie Meme Generator: Appy Pie is all about giving your memes a polished, professional look. With a library of high-quality templates and AI-driven captions, it’s perfect for brands aiming for a “viral but sophisticated” vibe. Plus, it integrates with social media for easy sharing.
  • ImgFlip Meme Generator: ImgFlip is a classic in the meme world, and its AI features bring fresh fun to the table. With instant caption suggestions and a wide selection of trending templates, you can create everything from traditional memes to reaction GIFs in one spot.

Note: Be sure to visit each tool’s website for detailed information on features, pricing, and terms. Experiment with a few tools to find the one that works best for your brand and style.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Meme Marketing

Meme marketing may be a fun and engaging approach to communicating with your target demographic.

But like any marketing strategy, there are certain do’s and don’ts you should keep in mind.

Let’s take a look at some of the best practices for meme creation, as well as some common pitfalls to avoid.

Best Practices for Meme Creation

Creating memes that resonate with your audience and align with your brand can be a bit of a balancing act.

Here are some best practices to guide you:

  • Know your audience: Understand what kind of humor your audience appreciates and what memes they are likely to share.
  • Stay relevant: Keep up with current trends and memes. Use them in a way that aligns with your brand.
  • Be authentic: Don’t force memes. If it doesn’t feel natural or if it doesn’t align with your brand, it’s better to skip it.
  • Test and learn: Not every meme will be a hit. Learn from those that don’t work and iterate on those that do.
  • Respect copyright: Always credit original creators and avoid using copyrighted material without permission.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While memes can be a great marketing tool, there are also some pitfalls to avoid.

Here are some common mistakes:

  • Trying too hard: If you’re trying too hard to be funny or trendy, your audience will notice. Keep it natural.
  • Being offensive: Humor can be subjective. Be careful not to offend your audience or make light of serious issues.
  • Overdoing it: Memes should be just one part of your marketing strategy, not the whole thing. Don’t overdo it.
  • Being late to the trend: Memes move fast. If you’re late to a trend, your meme might come off as outdated.
  • Ignoring feedback: Listen to your audience. If a meme isn’t well received, take that feedback on board and adjust your strategy accordingly.

While memes can be a powerful marketing tool, they also come with legal and ethical considerations.

It’s important to navigate these carefully to protect your brand’s reputation.

Let’s explore some of the key issues you need to be aware of.

When using existing memes, copyright is a major concern. Many memes are based on copyrighted material, such as movie scenes or celebrity images.

While these are often used under the principle of ‘fair use’, it’s not always clear-cut.

Fair use allows for the use of copyrighted material for purposes like criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.

But whether a meme falls under fair use can depend on factors like the purpose of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount used, and the effect on the market for the original work.

It’s always a good idea to consult with a legal expert if you’re unsure.

Ethical Use of Memes

Beyond legal considerations, there are also ethical issues to consider.

For example, using a meme that makes light of serious issues could damage your brand’s reputation.

It’s also important to consider the origins of a meme.

Some memes may have controversial or offensive origins that could reflect poorly on your brand.

Finally, always give credit where credit is due. If a meme was created by a specific person or page, it’s good practice to acknowledge them.

This not only respects the creator’s work, but also helps build relationships within the meme community.

Measuring the Impact of Your Meme Marketing

Just like any other marketing strategy, it’s crucial to measure the impact of your meme marketing.

This helps you understand what’s working, what’s not, and how you can improve.

Let’s dive into how you can track and analyze your meme marketing success.

Tracking Meme Performance and Engagement

The first step in measuring your meme marketing is tracking performance and engagement.

This includes metrics like likes, shares, comments, and views.

These metrics can give you a sense of how well your memes are resonating with your audience.

You can also track click-through rates if your memes include a link to your website or a specific product.

This can help you understand if your memes are driving traffic and conversions.

Analyzing Meme Marketing Success

But tracking metrics is just the first step.

You also need to analyze these metrics to understand your meme marketing success.

For example, if a meme gets a lot of shares but few click-throughs, it might be entertaining but not effective at driving traffic.

On the other hand, a meme with fewer shares but a high click-through rate might be more successful at driving conversions.

By analyzing these metrics, you can refine your meme marketing strategy to better meet your business goals.


As we’ve explored in this guide, meme marketing is a powerful tool in the digital marketer’s arsenal.

It offers a unique way to connect with audiences, humanize your brand, and create content that’s inherently shareable.

However, like all marketing strategies, it requires careful planning and execution.

By understanding your audience, aligning memes with your brand voice, and staying on top of trends, you can leverage the power of memes to promote your brand effectively.

FAQs About Meme Marketing

Can memes really help my business grow?

Absolutely! Memes can significantly boost your brand’s visibility and engagement. They can make your content more shareable, helping to attract new customers and grow your business.

How often should I post memes?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this. The frequency of posting memes depends on your brand, audience, and marketing goals. It’s crucial to maintain a balance – you want to stay relevant without overwhelming your audience.

Are there any industries that shouldn’t use memes?

Memes can be used in almost any industry, but they may not be suitable for all. Industries dealing with serious matters, like law or healthcare, might want to use memes sparingly and with caution.

How do I know if a meme is appropriate for my brand?

Understanding your brand voice and audience is key. If a meme aligns with your brand’s personality and resonates with your audience, it’s likely a good fit.

What if my meme offends someone?

It’s important to be mindful of cultural sensitivities when using memes. If a meme offends someone, it’s best to apologize promptly and learn from the experience.

How can I measure the ROI of meme marketing?

You can track the performance of your memes through engagement metrics like shares, likes, comments, and click-through rates. Tools like Google Analytics can also help measure the traffic and conversions driven by your meme marketing.

Rishi PatelR

Rishi Patel

Experienced web developer with a passion for creating innovative online solutions. Founder of Ranksper, an AI startup dedicated to content writing, marketing, and SEO.

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